Airstr​eam Air Conditioning 281-481-6308​
Airstr​eam Air Conditioning 281-481-6308​
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Glossary of Terms
AFUE Rating: Gas furnaces use Annual Fuel Utilization
Efficiency (AFUE) as their measurement. The higher the AFUE, the greater the efficiency and the greater your energy savings potential.
HSPF: Heat pumps use Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) as their measurement of heating efficiency. The higher
the HSPF, the greater the efficiency
and the greater your energy savings potential.
SEER: SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and applies to central air conditioners and heat pumps during cooling operation. The higher the SEER, the greater the energy economy.
EER: EER stands for the Energy Efficiency Ratio that calculates the efficiency provided by a central air conditioner or heat pump while cooling at a specific oudoor temperature. It can be found by dividing a unit’s Btu output by its wattage.
ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR qualified earn the U.S. government’s designation
for superior energy efficiency to help save costs on energy bills.
Decibel (db): Unit used to measure sound level by comparing it with a given level
on a logarithmic scale.
Glossary of Terms
AFUE Rating: Gas furnaces use Annual Fuel Utilization
Efficiency (AFUE) as their measurement. The higher the AFUE, the greater the efficiency and the greater your energy savings potential.
HSPF: Heat pumps use Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) as their measurement of heating efficiency. The higher
the HSPF, the greater the efficiency
and the greater your energy savings potential.
SEER: SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and applies to central air conditioners and heat pumps during cooling operation. The higher the SEER, the greater the energy economy.
EER: EER stands for the Energy Efficiency Ratio that calculates the efficiency provided by a central air conditioner or heat pump while cooling at a specific oudoor temperature. It can be found by dividing a unit’s Btu output by its wattage.
ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR qualified earn the U.S. government’s designation
for superior energy efficiency to help save costs on energy bills.
Decibel (db): Unit used to measure sound level by comparing it with a given level
on a logarithmic scale.
Call or Text us @ (281) 481-6308